Aveda tea, for one (something I dubbed the nectar of the gods in college and still think of it as such) and a city like DC.
I've been fighting writer's block, career goal questions, other very important things that I don't seem to have figured out but that have all been gnawing on me for some time. I left to head down to Borders in Metro Center and ended up not going there at all. I ended up diverting my path somewhere along Logan's Circle, heading wherever the traffic lights took me and ended up walking through Shaw towards the Convention Center.
There was a breeze and the sun was just beginning to set with all the lights slowly turning on and brightening. As I walked up towards Chinatown on 7th Street, I almost got a West Coast vibe of a calm city close to the beach, maybe on the outskirts of San Francisco (I think that had to do with the brilliant sun from earlier and the cool breeze passing through the buildings as I walked). Without even thinking about them, my cares sort of just slipped away as I got caught up in my music and the city lights.
I think my favorite was leaving Chinatown and heading up E street. I happened to look down and see a framed view of the National Archives lit up. I don't think I've seen that building at dusk before. I highly recommend it.
And then...I got a little seed of an idea. First the ending came to me, in a vision, and then the opening line of a short. A few more blocks brought a few more sentences. I skipped my originally planned bookstore trip, and it may have been too late anyway, and hurried home. I couldn't wait to get back to my waiting screen and hear the click-clacking of keys as I finally felt somewhat productive again. Those pressing questions before? I'll figure them out. It'll happen.
Oh, and the tea comes in after I got home. Mmmm...sitting here with Tchaikovsky, the windows open and Aveda tea. I'm telling you...this stuff is that sweet nectar brought up to Olympus (and there is no caffeine or sugar added).