I'm still here! I've been out travelling for just about the last two weeks, going from one end of the country to the other and back again (and coming back in between). And oh the stories...
But I'm back now, playing catchup at work and at home with errands and emails and that whole writing thing. It's a three day weekend this weekend (I think...assuming I have my dates correct as I write this trying to wake up) and I'll update you on what's been going on.
I went to Montana for a week about two weeks ago and then came back to DC for a day, and after that went to Florida for my Uncle's wedding. I haven't been to either state in years. It's been three years since I've been to Montana and well, quite possibly over a decade since I've been in Florida. In a way Florida could possibly count as my resolution to "go somewhere I've never been before" seeing as how I couldn't really remember anything about that state.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know I was still here and do have some stories to share. First up will be Montana with some pictures and links to more pictures. The first few days back are always a little crazy. Hope everyone's last few weeks were great as summer winds down.