I think I've mentioned this before, that new story feeling that's exhilarating. I've had this idea for awhile now, something kind of lurking in the back of my mind while I worked on...well, the current work in progress. But this morning I thought I'd try a new track. I'd use a journal a friend brought me back from a trip overseas to try to start crafting a story longhand and where I can take with me to work on bits and pieces whenever the mood strikes. I thought it'd be an interesting experience.
This morning I sat down and in a stream of consciousness type exercise, sketched out a basic storyline. And you know, there is something to letting an idea percolate! While I had the very, very basic idea, I was a little surprised by some of the different details I threw in there (and no, I'm not going to give anything away. Just yet).
And then I had to give these characters names. Which has always been one of my favorite parts of the beginning writing process. As Shakespeare says, "what's in a name?" And quite honestly, a lot. A name says a lot about people. Think about it. What kind of person comes to mind if you heard the name Agnes. Or Riley. Maybe Francois. And even more than just the characteristics I associate with a name, I often will look at the meaning behind a name if I'm going for something really specific. That is of course if there isn't a name that jumps out of me and says "Yes! I'm for your character!"
I had to leave it at that this morning. But let's just say I'm really looking forward to lunch today when I can start with the first few tentative outline notes.
This morning I sat down and in a stream of consciousness type exercise, sketched out a basic storyline. And you know, there is something to letting an idea percolate! While I had the very, very basic idea, I was a little surprised by some of the different details I threw in there (and no, I'm not going to give anything away. Just yet).
And then I had to give these characters names. Which has always been one of my favorite parts of the beginning writing process. As Shakespeare says, "what's in a name?" And quite honestly, a lot. A name says a lot about people. Think about it. What kind of person comes to mind if you heard the name Agnes. Or Riley. Maybe Francois. And even more than just the characteristics I associate with a name, I often will look at the meaning behind a name if I'm going for something really specific. That is of course if there isn't a name that jumps out of me and says "Yes! I'm for your character!"
I had to leave it at that this morning. But let's just say I'm really looking forward to lunch today when I can start with the first few tentative outline notes.