I have always been a fan of Halloween. I've talked lately about my love of mythology and also the supernatural (excluding as I noted, zombies), so maybe that's a large part of it. Halloween's a day to embrace all of that, when as the myths say, the veil between the physical world and the supernatural world is thinnest.
But more than that too, it's a chance to be someone else and no one would think twice about it. Of course there are the stereotypical costumes, like vampires, witches, nurses and soldiers, but what about the not so typical? Or maybe even the ones that the costumes aren't sold down to the last button in stores, but you have to create it yourself?
Wanted to know what it might be like to act like an 80s rocker? Or maybe a tough biker in leather? How about a jet-setting socialite, even if the stones on that necklace aren't designed by Bulgari. Could be fun, right?
So. What are you going to be? Or rather...who are you going to be?