
Sunday, July 18, 2010

48 hour film project

It's been a fairly busy summer and I realized the other day that I hadn't noted the 48 hour film project, or rather how it went. I mentioned it briefly in the beginning of May, but didn't elaborate further on it. As in years past, it reiterated just how much I love writing, crafting a story and creating characters and all that, but also just seeing a story come to life like that and watching the finished project.

We spent Friday evening...or rather the first part sketching out a story line based upon our elements (film noir! how cool was that?). Once the basic story was sketched out and we were sure incorporated all the elements (one of our characters had to have a career related to animals, how are you going to make that noir-esque?) leaving our "horn" for later since we weren't sure right then what kind of horn we'd have. Would it be an animal or musical? I many people have a horn lying around?

With our schedule, my job was essentially finished Friday night once we had a finished script. And that's not to say that it's an easy job. I think the pressure was a little less this year since it was my third, but also since we didn't have the entire cast and crew assembled. The prior ones I knew they were just in the other room, waiting. But I think too sketching out the story fully first was a huge help. I knew scene by scene what was coming, I just had to flesh it out with dialogue.

Since I wasn't really needed and the trains not running much due to maintenance, I didn't plan on spending all day on Saturday at the set. Of course once I did arrive early afternoon, I was reminded of how much fun it is to be on set. It's really cool to watch your words come alive with the sets and the actions and of course the dialogue. So I stayed up until we wrapped Saturday night. And thankfully I made it to the metro shortly before a train came by. The night before I'd had to wait thirty minutes!

Seeing as how the trains were hit or miss on Sunday, I didn't head back to hang out and watch the editing. So let me tell you, Sunday was kind of rough. I could not wait to see how it turned out! And I'm not good with waiting. I was definitely very, very excited about the finished product. Our actors were fantastic and I'm sure we'll be seeing great things from them in the future. And of course, we had an incredible crew. I'm just thankful to have been a part of it!

And by the way, I hope you caught our homage to the 1920s?


Across The River said...

Hey Patricia, long time no comment. I imagine it's very cool to see your writing brought to life. I was recently at a house party, where a group of filmmakers showed their 2010 entry. How did you become involved with this?

Patricia said...

Hey stranger! Good to hear from you. It is such an awesome process, and I think it gets even more fun each time I do it. I got started a couple of years ago with a friend of mine who was going to direct and produce one with his production studio; he knew I was a writer and asked me if I wanted to try my hand at the screenwriting. I've done three now with him, and I'm really hoping there will be more in the future! Have you ever done the 48 or the National Film Challenge?

Across The River said...

I'd never heard about the 48 hour film project until this year. I'm taking the fact that I saw two groups' films as a sign that I should look into it though.

Patricia said...

I recommend it! :-) It's a lot of fun and I know some of our cast and crew in the past has found out about our group on Craig's list. So that might be a place to look if you don't know who's involved next year. The National Film Challenge will be in October, I think. Otherwise the next 48 will be in the spring.