The first day was pretty chill. I hung out at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and read/edited while my friend was at work. The next day I woke up early to meet an old prof at another coffeehouse I did quite a bit of studying at (even though it has a new name...again). It was a little too windy to really be out and enjoy the day, so we saw Jumper and ate some good Mexican food.
Saturday, oh...Saturday...we went to Laguna Beach (sigh). Oh...I love Laguna. We just strolled around and enjoyed the view before stopping at this funky little coffeehouse for lunch and Italian sodas. That night we went out, something I miss. I had so much fun with that girl in college and it was fun to relive the "getting ready to go out" routine.
But Sunday was a lazy day. After a late start we finally ended up heading out to Riverside to see the Mission Inn (where I have decided I'm staying the next time I go there) and grab a coffee at Back to the Grind, another great coffeehouse where I spent hours, upon hours, studying.
So that's my trip in a very brief nutshell. I got to see a few other friends, and meet some new and interesting people as well. And I came away with really missing California, again. I hope it's not another three years before I go back out there. That would be too sad.
Oh, and the sushi. I was reminded of how incredibly delicious and heavenly sushi in California is. My first night we went to a sushi restaurant I used to go to nearly every week in college, and it was...divine. I remember when I first moved out here, I found the sushi was good, but I haven't yet visited a restaurant that I absolutely have to go back to. I have my favorites, but not one of those places that are like paradise.
And I have many more pictures here. If you haven't been to Southern California...go.

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