
Sunday, April 06, 2008

back to paris

Ok, not that I've been yet, but I'm back to trying to make it happen this year. Initially I'd put it off a year to possibly go with my sister (and it's now a good thing I did since the time I had planned to go was when there was much striking going on). Then I thought maybe I'd put it off until the dollar starts doing better because of the whole $15 hamburger phenomenon...not that I eat hamburgers, but still.
But lately as I've started putting together tentative travel arrangements for the year, I can't get Paris out of my mind. And of course, Paris has never been far from my mind. I had thought to replace Paris with a shorter long weekend in Oaxaca, which would be fun too, but a trip I'm not as excited about. I think I've come to the realization that I need to get to Paris first, and then I can go to Oaxaca and Montreal (another travel possibility this year). I'm looking at September/October...and of course, I still may end up going over Thanksgiving as was initially planned. And that would of course give me an extra few months of saving for some spending money. Not that I'm going to go on a spree on the Champs-Élysées, except in my dreams of course, but I'm sure I'll definitely find a use for it.
My friend and I are also tentatively talking about visiting Italy next year to practice our Italian (we're about to begin our second class), and as I thought about it...I figured I really should visit my first love first. It's only fair.
So...that's about it. I came to this realization this morning, but it's been tugging at my mind for the past week or so. Now to call my sister and let her know, see if there's a chance she'll still want to go this year after I said I probably wasn't going.

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