
Saturday, January 03, 2009

new year's resolutions?

I'm really not big on the whole resolution thing. Because I don't understand why one should wait around for the new year to implement a change. If one wants something to change, then change it. Who cares if it's...November 14 or June 9 or some other random date. I can, and do, understand the whole out with the old, in with the new, of a starting a new year, but...again, change something when it comes to the realization that it should be changed.

That being said, I got to talking to someone the other day about resolutions and something did come to my mind, mainly because it's still within the first few days of January 1. Towards the end of last year, I started slacking in the language department. I studied/reviewed Italian even less than I was doing towards the end of the summer, and my French...well, let's just say that was fading away without even a "au revoir." So...I do have some resolutions, and that's to study my languages.

I'll set aside time each weekend for the Italian, and maybe another time during the week as well for a little review because once a week really isn't enough. And as for French, well...I did get a 2009 desk calendar that has a phrase per day. Granted, some of these in the beginning I already knew, but it's a little something. And I'll watch more French films. Speaking of which...I did hear that Borders was having a big sale so it might be time to stock up on some.

Phrase of the day today: C'est une urgence! (it's an emergency! urgence ). Can I use it in a sentence? Hmmm...c'est uneque j'étudie ma français!

I know, that may not be correct...but hey, I'm trying. Right?


Carrie G said...

I'm with you on the resolution to get back to Italian. The more of us resolving the better chances we have, right?

Patricia said...

Hey, did you read my email yet? Or are you and I just have the same mind about this whole resolution thing?