So I know I have been absent from posting, but I've been busy spending a lot of time outside enjoying the spring weather. Especially all that snow and cold we had this winter (we're good for a few years now, right?).

I have also been finishing up some first person revisions. See, while I was starting to work on some revisions, and thinking of different plot points, I came to think that the novel I wrote would actually work better in first person. Which, ironically, is what I first started writing it in. So...I went through and rewrote, paragraph by paragraph, the draft in first person. I made a few small edits, but overall I didn't work on any other revisions. I finished those over the weekend, and now already have a few ideas. But I'm just going to take a short break and work on a short story idea I've had in my head for awhile before going back to it.
Ok. Enjoy spring! I'm already looking forward to next weekend for some more outside time. But in the meantime, I guess these pictures are just going to have to do.
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