
Saturday, January 16, 2010

pedestrian friendly

I generally try to keep complaints away from here, but there have been two very similar incidences within the last few weeks that I feel like I should share. Those of us who live in very pedestrian heavy cities have, I'm sure, had the few encounters of people ignoring the pedestrian right of way. And now I'm not talking about the given, but the hard-to-deny right of way. You know, when the traffic going the direction you're going has a green light and you have the little white man. Not even the flashing orange hand. Hard to argue that.

The last two weeks, I have had two instances where the driver with a red light wanted to turn right. So not only have they inched forward to almost obscure the crosswalk, but they're not even looking on their right side, only the left. Once there's a break in traffic, however small, they drop a weight on the gas and speed forward to make their turn.

Only...there's a person there. Namely me.

In all the years I've lived here, there have been several similar instances. But both of these were very, very close and happened so close together. And in both instances, had I not stepped back (or more appropriately, jumped back with a shout of surprise) I would have gotten clipped. Now in the first case, the driver did see me even if she'd already nearly hit me, and apologized through the windshield profusely. This driver also stopped and let me continue crossing (how nice since I had the 'green' light).

The second instance was a little different. After about three cars had turned right, well before I reached the point of collision, the fourth driver who nearly hit me swerved only a little (and I also sped up the second I got over my initial surprise) and sped past me. And did I even get a "sorry," through the windshield from the driver or the passenger? Nope.

My point is this. If you live in a pedestrian heavy area...please pay attention to us. Even a small clip to one of us can do some heavy damage. We don't have the protection of 3,000 pounds of car with air bags to protect us. It's just us and...well, your 3,000 pounds of car. If you have a red light and are trying to make a right turn...please remember to check your right side. Because there might just be one of us trying to get to work just as quickly as you are. We understand your hurry.


Michael J. Sullivan said...

I have had the same experience, and frequently the driver does see me, and lays on their horn to let me know their displeasure that I am walking when I am supposed to.

Once when this happened, I had just stepped off the curb--in perfect accordance with the traffic light--and the right-hand-turner honked at me. So I stopped. I turned to see a woman in her car apparently yelling at me. I couldn't hear her of course because her windows were rolled up. So I pointed to my ear to indicate this and remained in her way.

I was in no hurry, but apparently she was, yet if she wanted my attention enough to honk, it would be impolite not to find out what she wanted. Oddly, this appeared to only make her angrier.

She honked again, and again I indicated I couldn't hear her shouts. The light changed to red and I returned to my corner as on-coming traffic was now blocking both of us.

I never did find out what she had to say, but she didn't honk at me again.

Patricia said...

Hahaha. I'm so sorry that you didn't find out what she had to say to you.

Oh well, guess it wasn't important, right?