
Monday, July 16, 2007

words inspired by...

BookEnds had such a great post today on the inspiration behind the agents' love of books. I've decided to add my own thoughts on those who inspired me to love books and become a writer. Because...well, I'm not so sure it's something innate. Talent may be, but I'm not sure about the passion. And so, we have:
My Mother It must have been every night that we stayed up reading when I was little. Sometimes it was a novel with a chapter (or two or three if I was on top of my persuasion game) and other times a short book. And I also saw her with a book, or a crossword puzzle, during downtime. Which, with little girls, probably wasn't very much. And of course that fostering of this love by buying me books. I had my own little library going back in the day with Nancy Drew and The Baby-Sitters' Club, among others.
My grandmother She inspired a love of story telling, even if our tastes have since diverged. Primarily I credit her with getting me interested in mythology with a story of Thor. And of course she also did, and still does, have stacks of book lining the living room.
Robin Williams Growing up I was in love with Dead Poets' Society. I wanted a teacher like Mr. Keating and I wanted, at one point, to become a teacher like Mr. Keating. And even though it was more about thinking for yourself instead of reading, you can learn so much by reading. And of course, there is that one scene where they're beginning to read poetry and he has them rip out the "how to measure poetry" section from their books, to teach his students to delve beyond, to the feeling inside the words.
Carrollton-Farmers Branch Public Library Anyone who knows me now knows that I prefer to own my books. Yes, somewhat of an expensive addiction. But when I was little, I looked forward to summers and the...I don't want to say contest, but I guess that's what it was, that the Library had to encourage reading. You got little prizes and maybe your name on the wall for finishing a certain number of books. It didn't take me long to finish, but it was one thing I looked forward to (and yes, I know...I was a nerd and probably still am one).
Ayn Rand As an adult there are several authors I'm drawn to. I'm listing Ayn Rand because I love the story and the philosophy behind her novels and I love the characters that she creates. I don't think I could ever write a philosophical novel, but Atlas Shrugged is my favorite novel. Along this same line then, other authors that have drawn me to read more and write are Anne Rice (her worlds are incredible!), Thomas Jefferson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and I could really go on and on here.
Mrs. Morris My high school Creative Writing teacher. I took her two creative writing class and loved pretty much every minute of class. Well...except the reading part. Reading aloud terrified me, but I did it, in class and in some of the few Writer's Group meetings I was able to attend. When I was home over the holidays I went through this old trunk of stuff to do a little cleaning and organizing and came across an award for Creative Writing I received my senior year at the Senior Awards Ceremony. Each subject gave an award out to an outstanding senior and I hate to say it, but I'd forgotten I'd received this one. I remembered I got one in Economics since that's partially why I changed to an Econ major, but I didn't remember that I received the second one, which I think at the time may have meant more. I was almost tempted to bring it back to DC with me and hang it up next to my degree. :) My teacher knew that I wanted to be a writer, and with that award, she told me that she thought I could be one. That was a nice thing to remember.
Ok, I'm done. I know there are others, especially writers I love since there are so many, but these are the few who came to my mind first. I know several of the people who read this also love to read. So...who has inspired you? Or if it's music, etc., that you love, what are your inspirations behind this?


Carrie G said...

There are numerous English teachers who would be on a long list, but the person who really stands out is my mom. I guess that's appropriate since she was a teacher herself.

She taught me to read when I was very young, and then always encouraged me to read and write. She was always willing to make a trip to the library, and to suggest books like the Black Stallion series, which I then read like a bazillion times as a horse-crazy little girl.

Now that I'm grown we read some of the same books and swap occasionally. I wonder sometimes if I would have found the same love of books if it hadn't been for my mom. Maybe I would have, but I think it would have been much later in life.

Patricia said...

Awww...I loved the Black Stallion series too! I had another series that was related to horses, but now I can't remember the names.

Well, yay for Moms it seems.