
Saturday, February 02, 2008

brace yourself

Six more weeks of winter according to Punxsutawney Phil.
There was a part of me that groaned when I saw that. The part of me that wants to be out in the sun, see my skin darken a little to that healthy "sun-kissed" glow and feel warm sitting outside with a coffee. But not too warm...springtime warmth when it's nice under the sun but there's still that slightly crisp breeze.
But there was another part of me that, surprise surprise, was pleased to hear it. This is the part of me that the other night wished it remained relatively cold for the hot chocolate and reading on my couch covered with a blanket. This is the part of me that would relish reading by the fire, had I said fire. This is the part of me that will be sad to see the coziness of winter melt away.
No, I'm not quite yet a convert. I've had my moments of being absolutely miserable walking to the metro or to work. And I'm still not planning on moving to a city further north of DC...unless it's for the spring to fall period only. But there is a little something to winter. makes spring all the more worthwhile.
But make sure you have a stack of books still left to read or several great movies on your netflix list. Since apparently we've still got time. Because, of course, the groundhog predicition is very reliable.

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