
Friday, January 05, 2007

happy new year

Well...what'd I miss?

Sorry for the absence, but I've been on vacation for the past two weeks which has been incredibly wonderful. The only downside is that I come home around 6ish and the battery in my fire alarm is it's beeping...continually. Only every couple of minutes or so, but still. And it won't be changed until tomorrow morning, and of course, standing on my stool (even in my platform sandals) I'm much too short to even reach it and try to do anything about it.

Oh...tomorrow at work will be fun.

It's nice to be back in my own apartment, beeping fire alarm and all, but I did start missing Texas even before I got on the plane. I saw this book last night at Borders, titled something like "A Passionate Nation" or something like that, and was about Texas politics that have taken over Washington and about Texas' epic history, etc. I'd like to check it out.

More interesting notes later. Just wanted to say that I haven't dropped off the face of the planet. I was only pretending to do so.

Here's to a wonderful 2007!

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